Ayub Bachchu mostly known as AB is the legendary Rock Icon in the history of Bangladeshi Band Music. With tremendous fan acceptance he is famous for his fabulous guitar playing, chart topping music and melodies.
IN 1991 AB LEFT SOULS AFTER 10 LONG YEARS OF PRACTICE FOR PERFECTION FORMED LRB (LOVE RUNS BLIND). AB brought up LRB from the deepest of his impulse, it’s something beyond high devotion for music. AB along with his band LRB started to play live gigs on the following years and a new era began. MILLIONS OF MUSIC LOVING PEOPLE ACCEPTED AYUB BACHCHU AND HIS BAND LRB’S MUSIC WITH LOVE. With the eagerness to create something revolutionary LRB released their first debut in 1992, which was a double album of Bangladeshi music history and entirely a new concept in Bangladeshi music and to the listeners as well.
Ayub Bachchu and LRB performed more than thousands of gigs in the home (500+ open air & 2000+ indoor) and abroad. They went for their first international tour in USA and they played at 7 states. LRB is the only Bangla Rock Band which played their music in the famous Madison Square Garden (New York).
In Europe the band played its first show in Austria in the year 2002. They also have performed at Wembley Arena (London), Alan Garden (London) Frankfurt of Germany, Fort Canyon Park stage (Singapore).
AB and LRB executed at many stages of India i.e. Salt Lake Stadium (Rock Jugalbandi Part 1 and 2), Science City Theater, Alpha Bangla, ETV Bangla, Najrul Manch, Rabindra Shorobor, Guru Nanak University (Jodhpur), Haldia Utshab, Durgapur University. LRB proudly performed in Qatar, Dubai, Hong Kong, Cyprus and almost all over the world.
AB was honored in IIM Joka ‘Rock Fest’ (India), Benson and Hedges Star Search 1 and 2, DRockstar 1 and many other local competitions as a Judge.
AB is renowned for his musical scoring in TVC. Moreover He has worked as a music director for late Khalid Hasn Milu, late Shaikh Ishtiaqe, Nasim Ali Khan, Topon Chowdhury, Hasan Abedur Reza Jewel, Alam Ara Minu, Kaniz Suborna, Rupom and many more.